Bellota Films is an independent production company, founded in 2009 by Hind Saïh and Dominique Barneaud, both driven by a strong desire to create.

With 20 years of production experience in France and abroad, we place innovative writing and committed approaches at the heart of our activity. Our films are "coups de coeur", motivated by the desire to share unique and surprising insights into the contemporary world and reality. At the center of our activity, a selection of projects for television and cinema, whose writing is sometimes mixed with animation, graphic arts or multimedia. Our core business is documentary, but we also develop fiction and feature films.

We are always looking to push back the boundaries between genres, with the desire to tell the story of reality in its plurality. The desire that presides over our choices is to accompany ambitious projects, until they reach their audiences.

Our editorial line is built around arthouse films and our mission is to bring them to the most coherent audience possible in France and abroad on the most appropriate media.

Bellota Films is a human-sized company with a very light structure, allowing us to devote all our funding to the creation itself. We are totally independent and work with very different partners. Thanks to the experience of the two associated producers, the company enjoys a great credibility and a good professional recognition. Over the years, Hind and Dominique have built up an important network of institutional partners, public and private broadcasters, co-producers and distributors in France and abroad. The career of the films produced by the company and the distinctions obtained in the festival circuit have notably contributed to its visibility.



We produce documentaries for French and international television channels as well as for the cinema.

Fiction & Cinema

As delegated producers, we develop films for the cinema and accompany international filmmakers as minority co-producers.

New Medias

We also develop emerging formats for new media, notably in partnership with the company Red Corner.


Because we have at heart the respect of the environment and the equality between men and women, we adhere to the EcoProd charters and the 50/50 Collective

  • As soon as it was released, Matrix is a phenomenon of considerable influence, a breakthrough that changed the course of cinema. It resounded with the bit generationthis kids of the 80s and 90s, about to be propelled into cyberspace and the new millennium. This documentary is....
  • Anne, metteuse en scène, adapte L’Assommoir d’Emile Zola dans lequel elle joue le rôle de Gervaise. Le récit des personnages fait écho à sa vie personnelle. Avec une approche de cinéma du réel, en immersion dans le quotidien de ces artistes habités par un feu qui vit et qui brûle,...
  • Paris à l’aube. Un parterre de zinc et de petites cheminées immuables. Dans un instant, les quelques onze millions d’âmes qu’abrite la ville vont glisser de leur lit, s’habiller, s’embrasser, encore embués, pour sortir, courir, traçant autant de trajectoires qu’ils portent de possibles. Pour aller où ? Pour chercher quoi...
  • Le parcours singulier de Fouad Elkoury, entre photojournalisme et photo d’art, nous plonge dans l’histoire complexe et tragique du Liban ravagé par la guerre, des années 70 à aujourd’hui. Une rencontre intime et privilégiée avec l’un des plus grands photographes du monde arabe, à travers ses archives personnelles, ses récits...
Nos Projets en Cours
  • Before our eyes, a forgotten palace reappears, a thousand-year-old civilization is discovered under a new light… More than 600 years ago, Zhu Yuanzhang reigns over all of China after defying the Mongols. Victorious, he builds a political movement, proclaims himself emperor and founds, in the same year...
  • Vinii et Keiona sont les parents de la branche française de la House of Revlon, l'une des familles les plus emblématiques de la ballrom scene. Ils élèvent leurs kids, Mariana, Nunoy, Gigi et Riley avec amour et... discipline. Car l'enjeu est de taille : ils doivent organiser en 2024 le...
  • L’histoire commence il y a 400 ans, à la frontière entre la France et l’Espagne, dans la région côtière du pays basque français, le Labourd, peuplé de chasseurs de baleines et de femmes de marins. En 1609, un conflit local tourne aux accusations de sorcellerie. Henri IV nomme deux hommes...
  • Qu’ont en commun les femmes et hommes qui rêvent d’avoir un enfant et celles et ceux qui cherchent une adéquation entre leur genre assigné et leur identité de genre ? A l’hôpital de Milan, dans le service qui s’occupe à la fois de PMA et des dysphories de genre, le...
  •     Le cinéma selon Gilliam est rempli de titres iconiques qui, non seulement témoignent d’une extravagance visuelle et d’une singularité toujours renouvelée, mais font aussi l’écho d’une humanité inquiétante et sans cesse d’actualité. Dans un même élan baroque, loufoque, mais aussi tragique, l’œuvre et la vie de Terry Gilliam...
  • Every night Aminata patrols the streets of Freetown searching for girls being exploited by pimps. She takes them surfing to Sierra Leone’s only Surf Club, to heal their self-esteem on the deep metallic-blue ocean...

