Our company

Hind Saïh and Dominique Barneaud founded Bellota Films to make great movies, with unique and ambitious point of views.

With a 20 years track record in the industry, both partners maintain key longstanding institutional, public and private sector contacts on the French market, EMEA and North America. The awards received by Bellota Films and their presence in international festivals have earned the company widespread visibility and recognition. Our films are the result of our desire to share unique and surprising insights into the contemporary world and reality. At the center of our activity, a selection of projects for television and cinema, whose writing is sometimes mixed with animation, graphic arts or multimedia. At the center of our activity, a selection of projects for television and cinema, whose writing is sometimes mixed with animation, graphic arts or multimedia.

We are always looking to push back the boundaries between genres, with the desire to tell the story of reality in its plurality. The desire that presides over our choices is to accompany ambitious projects until they reach their audiences.

Our editorial line is built around arthouse films and our mission is to bring them to the most coherent audience possible in France and abroad on the most appropriate media.

Bellota Films is a human-sized company with a very light structure, allowing it to devote all its funding to the creation itself. We are totally independent and work with very different partners. Thanks to the experience of the two associated producers, the company has a great credibility and professional recognition. Over the years, Hind and Dominique have built up an important network of institutional partners, public and private broadcasters, co-producers and distributors in France and abroad. The career of the films produced by the company and the distinctions obtained in the festival circuit have notably contributed to its visibility.


Documentary films

We produce documentary films for French and International broadcasters as well as movie theaters.

Fiction and Cinema

We develop theatrical films as executive producers and we act as minority coproducers to support international filmmakers.

New Media

We also develop emerging digital formats, especially in partnership with the company Red Corner.


Because we have at heart the respect of the environment and the equality between men and women, we adhere to the EcoProd charters and the 50/50 Collective

  • Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Me, Myself and Irene, Ace Ventura... Jim Carrey ruled the 1990s with an unconstrained and subversive style. A mutant body through a digital revolution from which the last golden age of the cartoon resurfaces, he was the grimacing face of the Clinton years, the link...
  • Hello, police? Behind these few words, there is an expectation. A request, a hope, a complaint. Sometimes an order. Is it an emergency? A danger? Not necessarily... Over the past few years, the number of calls to the 17 switchboard has been rising steadily. At certain times of the day,...
  • Since 2003, new directives in France have introduced the notion of expulsion quotas to be met each year. These targets, quantified for the first time in history, have provoked violent criticism. Arrests, including schools, have gradually led citizens to turn to civil disobedience against what they call "the politics of...
  • Spring 1945. 400 000 German and 305 000 Soviet soldiers died in the Battle of the Oder. On the former front line, located 100 kilometers from Berlin, a country took root, mixing victorious armies, defeated people, fleeing Nazis and looters of all origins... It's still known today as the Wild...
  • Fetishism is surprising and sometimes worrying. As Raul explains, some people only feel pleasure when they think of women's feet or shoes. As for Pierre, his head spins as soon as he imagines legs sheathed in couture stockings. Michel-Jean has dozens of latex garments in his wardrobe, and the mere...
Our Projects
  • Vinii and Keiona are considered as the parents of the French branch of the House of Revlon, one of the ballroom scene's most iconic families. They raise their kids, Mariana, Nunoy, Gigi and Riley, with love and... discipline.  What they are playing for is major. In 2024, they have to...
  • The story begins 400 years ago, on the border between France and Spain, in the coastal region of the French Basque country, Labourd, populated by whale hunters and sailors' wives. In 1609, a local dispute caused accusations of witchcraft. Henri IV appointed two men to judge the case ... The...
  • At Milan's Niguarda Hospital, Dr. Bini receives parents who dream of children and adolescents in search of an identity.
  • Gilliam's cinema is full of iconic titles that not only testify to a visual extravagance and an ever-renewed singularity, but his cinema also echoes a disquieting and constantly topical humanity. Terry Gilliam's work and life merge in a baroque, zany and tragic adventure worthy of the great theatrical epics. A...
  • Since its release, Matrix was a phenomenon of considerable influence, a moment of anthology that turned the cinema history on its head. The film is considered as the birth certificate of the bit generation, represented by these kids of the eighties and nineties who were about to be propelled into...
  • Paris at dawn. A bed of zinc and small unchanging chimneys. In a moment, the city's eleven million souls will slip out of their bed, get dressed, kiss each other, still misty, to go out, run, tracing as many trajectories as they carry possibilities. To go where? In search of...
  • Fouad Elkoury's singular journey from photojournalism to fine art photography plunges us into the complex and tragic history of war-torn Lebanon from the 70s to nowadays. An intimate and privileged encounter with one of the Arab world's greatest photographers, through his personal archives, travel and life stories.


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