L’histoire commence il y a 400 ans, à la frontière entre la France et l’Espagne, dans la région côtière du pays basque français, le Labourd, peuplé de chasseurs de baleines et de femmes de marins. En 1609, un conflit local tourne aux accusations de sorcellerie. Henri IV nomme deux hommes...
Anne, metteuse en scène, adapte L’Assommoir d’Emile Zola dans lequel elle joue le rôle de Gervaise. Le récit des personnages fait écho à sa vie personnelle. Avec une approche de cinéma du réel, en immersion dans le quotidien de ces artistes habités par un feu qui vit et qui brûle,...
Lucio teaches in the Department of Literature and Linguistics in the prestigious University of Buenos Aires. However, he is no longer motivated by academic life: His new challenge is to take his knowledge to where it would make a dierence, teaching literature in the neighborhood when he was raised as a child, a less well-o area in the suburbs of Greater Buenos Aires. Lucio will have to call upon all his ingenuity to...
Ibiza, 2001. Once a temple for the hippies and hedonism, the club’s scene have turned into a ruthless industry. Andrew, a star DJ in midlife struggling with addictions is challenged to stay at the top.
The story of three artists crossing the world of fashion: from the front rows of the catwalks to their tiny hotel rooms, always moving, they struggle to thrive in the culture of social networks, in a decaying world now forced to reinvent itself.
When Professor Hendrix Fergusson conducts an experiment at CERN to prove the existence of parallel universes, he doesn’t know it will throw him and a handful of other people into a different reality. Christine Nikoller, the first Swiss astronaut to go to the International Station, is about to return to...
In the 1960s and 1970s, Félix Mora criss-crossed southern Morocco in search of muscles to close down the mines in France at low cost. The Kingdom's town criers announced his arrival to cohorts of candidates for exile. A green stamp on the bare torsos: France,...