Au sein d’un prestigieux lycée parisien, un groupe d’élèves et leur professeur de littérature organisent un concours d’éloquence. C’est un moment charnière, bientôt la fin d’un cycle. Le sujet “O rage, ô désespoir, ô élite ennemie”, détourne un vers de Corneille pour interroger la notion d’élitisme, qui les définit malgré...
As soon as it was released, Matrix is a phenomenon of considerable influence, a breakthrough that changed the course of cinema. It resounded with the bit generationthis kids of the 80s and 90s, about to be propelled into cyberspace and the new millennium. This documentary is....
Un groupe d’éminents archéologues propose une nouvelle version de l’histoire du peuplement des Amériques. Leurs découvertes révèlent que les premiers hommes ont posé le pied sur ce continent il y a 30.000 ans, au plus fort de la dernière glaciation, faisant ainsi reculer la date de leur arrivée de plus de...
This is the tale of three artists who navigate the fashion world: from the front rows at shows to their tiny hotel rooms, constantly on the move, they struggle to thrive in social media culture in a decaying world which is now forced to reinvent itself.
Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Me, Myself and Irene, Ace Ventura... Jim Carrey ruled the 1990s with an unconstrained and subversive style. A mutant body through a digital revolution from which the last golden age of the cartoon resurfaces, he was the grimacing face of the Clinton years, the link...
Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Me Myself & Irene, Ace Ventura ... Jim Carrey ruled the 90s with an unconstrained and subversive style. Mutant body and actor of a digital revolution from which the last golden age of cartoon emerges, he was the grimacing face of the Clinton years, the link between...
When Professor Hendrix Fergusson conducts an experiment at CERN to prove the existence of parallel universes, he doesn’t know it will throw him and a handful of other people into a different reality. Christine Nikoller, the first Swiss astronaut to go to the International Station, is about to return to Earth...