Au sein d’un prestigieux lycée parisien, un groupe d’élèves et leur professeur de littérature organisent un concours d’éloquence. C’est un moment charnière, bientôt la fin d’un cycle. Le sujet “O rage, ô désespoir, ô élite ennemie”, détourne un vers de Corneille pour interroger la notion d’élitisme, qui les définit malgré...
The Secret Pyrenees is a documentary collection that plunges the spectator into the heart of the Pyrenean fauna, one of the most preserved in our territory. Most of the emblematic species of the wild world live here: the bear, the golden eagle, the bearded vulture, the isard... the wolf is...
Growing up silently queer in a broken and dysfunctional family, Kurtis confronts abuse, trauma and addiction. As an escape, he pursued Beauty everywhere during his upbringing in the countryside. His obsession led him to create his alter-ego, Miss Fame, one of the most iconic drag supermodels of her generation. Miss...
A group of eminent archaeologists have come up with a new version of the settlement history of the Americas. Their discoverings reveal that first humans set foot on this continent 30,000 years ago, at the height of the last ice age, pushing back the date of their arrival by more...
  In France and among our European neighbours, more and more people are being employed to take care of our sick or vulnerable parents, children, relatives and neighbours. They are called life assistants, but they occupy a strategic place in the organization of society. Essential, though devalued. As a social...
This documentary goes to meet pioneers who already live with machines in order to understand their working revolution. Can we imagine nannies, housekeepers or teachers become robots..? What sounds like science fiction already exists: last year, 2.5 million people bought robots to clean their homes, have fun or educate themselves....
African contemporary dance universe is both singular, inventive and surprising. South African and Moroccan choreographers, via the center, east and west of the continent, offer us an incursion into their colorful world.
Hello, police? Behind these few words, there is an expectation. A request, a hope, a complaint. Sometimes an order. Is it an emergency? A danger? Not necessarily... Over the past few years, the number of calls to the 17 switchboard has been rising steadily. At certain times of the day,...
Since 2003, new directives in France have introduced the notion of expulsion quotas to be met each year. These targets, quantified for the first time in history, have provoked violent criticism. Arrests, including schools, have gradually led citizens to turn to civil disobedience against what they call "the politics of...
Spring 1945. 400 000 German and 305 000 Soviet soldiers died in the Battle of the Oder. On the former front line, located 100 kilometers from Berlin, a country took root, mixing victorious armies, defeated people, fleeing Nazis and looters of all origins... It's still known today as the Wild...
Fetishism is surprising and sometimes worrying. As Raul explains, some people only feel pleasure when they think of women's feet or shoes. As for Pierre, his head spins as soon as he imagines legs sheathed in couture stockings. Michel-Jean has dozens of latex garments in his wardrobe, and the mere...