Since 2003, new directives in France have introduced the notion of expulsion quotas to be met each year. These targets, quantified for the first time in history, have provoked violent criticism. Arrests, including schools, have gradually led citizens to turn to civil disobedience against what they call "the politics of...
Au printemps 1945, 400 000 soldats allemands et 305 000 soldats soviétiques meurent pendant la bataille de l’Oder. Sur l’ancienne ligne de front, à 100 kilomètres de Berlin, un pays prend racine mêlant armées victorieuses, peuple vaincu, nazis en fuite et pilleurs de toutes origines… On l’appelle encore aujourd’hui l’Ouest...
Spring 1945. 400 000 German and 305 000 Soviet soldiers died in the Battle of the Oder. On the former front line, located 100 kilometers from Berlin, a country took root, mixing victorious armies, defeated people, fleeing Nazis and looters of all origins... It's still known today as the Wild...
Le fétichisme surprend, parfois inquiète. Comme l'explique Raul, certains n'éprouvent de plaisir qu'en pensant aux pieds ou aux souliers féminins. Pierre, lui, a la tête qui tourne dès qu'il imagine des jambes gainées dans des bas couture. Michel-Jean possède dans son armoire plusieurs dizaines de vêtements en latex, et la...
Fetishism is surprising and sometimes worrying. As Raul explains, some people only feel pleasure when they think of women's feet or shoes. As for Pierre, his head spins as soon as he imagines legs sheathed in couture stockings. Michel-Jean has dozens of latex garments in his wardrobe, and the mere...
Malena is a successful doctor about to hit middle-age who receives a call that will change her life: the baby she adopted is about to be born. She goes to retrieve him from his surrogate mother only to find herself blackmailed by the newborn’s biological parents: either Malena pays more...