Since its release, Matrix was a phenomenon of considerable influence, a moment of anthology that turned the cinema history on its head. The film is considered as the birth certificate of the bit generation, represented by these kids of the eighties and nineties who were about to be propelled into...
Paris at dawn. A bed of zinc and small unchanging chimneys. In a moment, the city's eleven million souls will slip out of their bed, get dressed, kiss each other, still misty, to go out, run, tracing as many trajectories as they carry possibilities. To go where? In search of...
Fouad Elkoury's singular journey from photojournalism to fine art photography plunges us into the complex and tragic history of war-torn Lebanon from the 70s to nowadays. An intimate and privileged encounter with one of the Arab world's greatest photographers, through his personal archives, travel and life stories.
Au sein d’un prestigieux lycée parisien, un groupe d’élèves et leur professeur de littérature organisent un concours d’éloquence. C’est un moment charnière, bientôt la fin d’un cycle. Le sujet “O rage, ô désespoir, ô élite ennemie”, détourne un vers de Corneille pour interroger la notion d’élitisme, qui les définit malgré...
The story of three artists crossing the world of fashion: from the front rows of the catwalks to their tiny hotel rooms, always moving, they struggle to thrive in the culture of social networks, in a decaying world now forced to reinvent itself.
  Since the 1950s, French employers have resorted to the massive importation of Maghreb workers. Paradoxically, few historians have analyzed this period of "proletarianization" of an entire population. In this film project, Ariane Chemin and Frédéric Laffont are following in the footsteps of the 78,000 Moroccans recruited, for the Houillères...
Dumb and Dumber, The Mask, Me, Myself and Irene, Ace Ventura... Jim Carrey ruled the 1990s with an unconstrained and subversive style. A mutant body through a digital revolution from which the last golden age of the cartoon resurfaces, he was the grimacing face of the Clinton years, the link...
School of Hope tells about a nomad tribe struggling to get education for their children, and a young teacher trying to help them while suffering himself of the Government’s indifference toward rural regions. The nomads are a proud people who value their freedom; they were the last people to resist...
Each foreign specialty supplier, from China to Venice, carefully guarded its own precious trade secrets. To obtain this valuable knowledge and hoist France to the pinnacle of Europe’s luxury-goods market, envoys commissioned by the king engaged in all sorts of shenanigans, including espionage, kidnappings, and bribery.
  “I’ve been a robber, a thief, a mobster. I’ve blown my veins, I’ve boozed, I’ve boozed and I’ve fucked chicks. I haven’t killed anyone yet. I nevere stole poor people. My name is Stela and I’m 42 years old today, 10 of them in jail. My life is chaos....
On June 8, 2017, an article in the prestigious journal of science, Nature, publishing the research results of an international team led jointly by Abdelouahed Ben'Ncer and Jean- Jacques Hublin spurs a scientific revolution in the history of Homo Sapiens : the dating of human fossils on the Moroccan site...
  Abbas was a great reporter. He went to the scene of the great events that changed the world from the 70s to today. He worked for the largest news agencies. Suffice to say that it is at the heart of the history of current photography. But not only that....
In a teacher's life, there is an unforgettable year, when they switch from being students to teachers. They are then "trainee civil servants", part time in college, part time in a class that is entrusted to them. In the great Parisian suburbs, between suburban areas and large housing estates, filmed...
A pioneer, Christelle Cuinet is fighting for the profession of end-of-life biographer: she records the words of people close to the end, and turns it into a book that will be offered to their loved ones. An eternal trace of these lives. She goes where no one goes. At this...
April 2017, an attack takes place on the Champs-Elysees, a policeman is killed. A few days later, his companion pays tribute to him at the official ceremony in the Court of Honour of the Prefecture of Paris. Do the words of love then uttered in this symbolic place of order...
But since October 2016, French policemen have been beating the pavement regularly to show their anger. The police in the street is a bulwark of the Republic that gives way... A strong signal that challenges the hierarchy and politicians. To understand the motivations of this unprecedented movement, we interviewed 7...
Iceland, 1998. After a series of unfortunate miscommunication in the command center of the Icelandic Power Company, a 26 years old electrical engineer, Mr. Felix Gretarsson, was sent up a high-voltage mast to repair a power line. When he reached the top of the mast, he was struck with lethal...
I live in Castagnède, a village of less than 200 inhabitants located in the south-west of France, at the foot of the Pyrenees. The countryside around me is rather poor, sore by the agricultural and industrial changes of the last fifty years. In my village, there is no more economic...
Understanding the importance of a balanced diet on health and well-being is a topic at the heart of all occupations today. But nutrition is a complex subject. And in the face of the profusion of regimes and the extent of conflicting studies, confusion reigns on the part of the general...
"Life (more) Healthy" is an initiation quest towards a healthier way of life, in search of well-being. Take the time to stop to breathe, become aware of the world around us, live in the present moment... To be, truly. At first groping, our two authors will multiply the encounters and...
Calls to the 17th continue to increase. Sometimes we get close to implosion. However, not all calls are "police rescue missions". All the calls made to the 17th speak volumes about the company. In direct contact with reality and the snapshot, they deliver small pieces of life full of emotion,...
Leina Sato is a Japanese professional free diver and is expecting her first child. Her partner, Jean-Marie Ghislain is a famous underwater photographer. They share a passion for the oceans, and believe that a strong bond between a mother-to-be and cetaceans exists. And they want to prove it. Leina will...
The stories of the patients of Marie-Ange, a psychic-magnetizer in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais, give a metaphorical image of the world, the planet on which we live and the unspeakable evils that we all share. Fragments of life recorded over two years, this documentary is a hollow portrait of modern society, seen...
Over the decades, the word has become synonym of petty crimes, riots, extremism, and unemployment, and gained a hint of extremism. Here, the director has access to different generations of cité-dwellers. He has gained their trust and had them talk freely about their daily life, their beliefs and expectations in...
This film will offer a unique access to those territories, which gather millions of people within thousands of km2. The viewers will immerge themselves into the daily life of people living there – in Byelorussia, Norway, Japan and Scotland. Through people’s testimonies and encounters with the scientists working in these...
Jing is a young Chinese woman who lives in Paris. Brimed by an authoritarian father who did not let her live her passion for a thousand-year-old musical instrument, she has no choice but to emigrate. She chose France. Her situation is fragile. Playing music on the subway, and chaining odd...
In just fifty years, agribusiness methods have radically changed the way our food is produced. Half a century was enough to make fifteen thousand years of natural agriculture forget. Wine, a cultural setting if any, seemed so far untouched, at least that's what we thought. Today, the vine consumes 20...
Through a clever mix of stop motion animation and interviews, The Wanted 18 recreates an astonishing true story: the Israeli army's pursuit of 18 cows, whose independent milk production on a Palestinian collective farm was declared "a threat to the national security of the state of Israel." In response to...
Techno celebrated its 25th birthday in 2013. It has become a culture in its own right, ranking among trendy music, and bringing together millions of people worldwide. Its DJs have become veritable stars. It is a global, worldwide culture, and its creators and fans alike share its common denominators of...
One of the most tragic health and political cases, because of hundreds of dead people including a majority of hemophiliac children, is the scandal of contaminated blood (i.e. not warmed). At the end of 1985 and in the beginning of 1986, the French Institut Mérieux has sold out its stock...
A survivor of the Nazi camps, coming from a very poor Hungarian family, he turned up to become the forger of the 20th century, and lived the last years of his life in a huge villa on Ibiza. A survivor of the Nazi camps, coming from a very poor Hungarian...
This documentary trilogy follows the complete journey of 6 protagonists implicated by the courts, from their arrest to the end of their sentence. Alongside them throughout the judicial proceedings, in the places of police, justice and detention, the film offers a singular experience that confronts the viewer with the concrete...
Five writers, who had to go into exile because they were threatened in their country of origin, tell us about a violent, absurd and unjust world. They tell of their intimate perception of writing and exile. These men and women, initially cornered because of their freedom of speech, embody the...
The West and the East clash in the name of Good with Jerusalem in the crosshairs as they once did. Behind this recourse to God in politics hides a real struggle for world domination.... Let's start, thirty years ago, with the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979. Thirty years told...